The series began with two-part reinterpretations of TOS episodes, and gradually introduced more entirely original stories as the series progressed. It has also had several flash-back issues filling in some of the back-story of the nuTrek characters. Several stories from the series also included crossovers with other Star Trek series, directly or in flashback, introducing elements of DS9, TOS, and TNG. As the series continued the format has varied more, with stories of different lengths, ranging from one to six issues long.
The series was written almost entirely by Mike Johnson, with Ryan Parrott contributing the only two issues not written by him. Numerous artists have worked on the series, with Tony Shasteen the most prolific, having illustrated most issues since issue thirty-five.
The first twenty issues of the series were set between the first nuTrek film and Into Darkness (or flashbacks to earlier), issue twenty-one picked up events following Into Darkness. From issue forty-two to fifty-two the series was given a subtitle, 5 Year Mission, reflecting the mission the Enterprise had embarked upon.
The series ended to coincide with the release of the movie Star Trek Beyond in 2016. A new ongoing series, Boldly Go, from the same creative team, launched later the same year, continuing the Kelvin timeline story after the events of the film.
#1: Where No Man Has Gone Before, Part 1
- Notes: First half of a two-part nuTrek version of the classic episode Where No Man Has Gone Before.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Stephen Molnar.
- Published: September 2011.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#2: Where No Man Has Gone Before, Part 2
- Notes: Second half of a two-part nuTrek version of the classic episode Where No Man Has Gone Before.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Stephen Molnar.
- Published: October 2011.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#3: The Galileo Seven, Part 1
- Notes: First half of a two-part nuTrek version of the classic episode The Galileo Seven.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Stephen Molnar.
- Published: November 2011.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:
- Notes: Second half of a two-part nuTrek version of the classic episode The Galileo Seven.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Stephen Molnar.
- Published: December 2011.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: First half of a two-part nuTrek version of the classic episode Operation: Annihilate!.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Joe Corroney.
- Published: January 2012.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: Second half of a two-part nuTrek version of the classic episode Operation: Annihilate!.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Joe Corroney.
- Published: February 2012.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: First half of the first wholly original story in the series, the two-parter Vulcan's Vengeance, focusing on the Vulcan and Romulans after the events of the first nuTrek movie. Solicitations for the issue have the alternate title The Vendetta Conspiracy.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Joe Phillips.
- Published: March 2012.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: Second half of the two-part story Vulcan's Vengeance, the first wholly original story in the series.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Joe Phillips.
- Published: April 2012.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: First half of a two-part nuTrek version of the classic episode The Return of the Archons.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Stephen Molnar.
- Published: May 2012.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: Second half of a two-part nuTrek version of the classic episode The Return of the Archons.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Stephen Molnar.
- Published: June 2012.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: First half of a new two-part story featuring tribbles.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Claudia Balboni.
- Published: July 2012.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: Second half of a new two-part story featuring tribbles.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Claudia Balboni.
- Published: August 2012.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: One-shot flashback issue focusing on Hendorff, aka "cupcake".
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Stephen Molnar.
- Published: September 2012.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: One-shot flashback issue focusing on Keenser.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Stephen Molnar.
- Published: October 2012.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#15: Mirrored, Part 1
- Notes: First half of a new two-part mirror universe story, a mirror-version of the events of the first nuTrek movie.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Erfan Fafar.
- Published: November 2012.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: Second half of a new two-part mirror universe story.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Erfan Fafar, Hendri Prasetyo, and Miralti Firmansyah.
- Published: December 2012.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#17: Bones
#18: The Voice of a Falling Star- Notes: One-shot flashback issue focusing on Doctor McCoy.
- Writers: Mike Johnson and F. Leonard Johnson. Artists: Claudia Balboni and Erica Durante.
- Published: January 2013.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: One-shot flashback issue focusing on Uhura.
- Writer: Ryan Parrott. Artists: Claudia Balboni and Erica Durante.
- Published: February 2013.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#19: Scotty
- Notes: One-shot flashback issue focusing on Scotty.
- Writers: Mike Johnson. Artists: Claudia Balboni and Erica Durante.
- Published: March 2013.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#20: Red Level Down
- Notes: One-shot flashback issue focusing on Sulu and Chekov.
- Writers: Ryan Parrott. Artists: Claudia Balboni, Erica Durante, and Luca Lamberti.
- Published: April 2013.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: First issue set after Into Darkness, part one of the three-part story, After Darkness.
- Writers: Mike Johnson. Artist: Erfan Fajar.
- Published: May 2013.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: Second issue of the three-part story, After Darkness.
- Writers: Mike Johnson. Artist: Erfan Fajar.
- Published: June 2013.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: Final issue of the three-part story, After Darkness.
- Writers: Mike Johnson. Artist: Erfan Fajar.
- Published: July 2013.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#24: Gorn
- Notes: One-shot issue featuring the Gorn, and sequel to Star Trek: The Video Game.
- Writers: Mike Johnson. Artist: Claudia Balbon
- Published: August 2013.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#25: The Khitomer Conflict, Part 1
- Notes: First issue in the four-part story, The Khitomer Conflict, featuring a conflict between the Klingons and the Romulans.
- Writers: Mike Johnson. Artist: Erfan Fajar.
- Published: September 2013.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#26: The Khitomer Conflict, Part 2
- Notes: Second issue in the four-part story, The Khitomer Conflict.
- Writers: Mike Johnson. Artist: Erfan Fajar.
- Published: October 2013.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: Third issue in the four-part story, The Khitomer Conflict.
- Writers: Mike Johnson. Artist: Erfan Fajar.
- Published: November 2013.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: Final issue in the four-part story, The Khitomer Conflict.
- Writers: Mike Johnson. Artist: Erfan Fajar.
- Published: December 2013
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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- Notes: First half of a two-part story, featuring an encounter with a gender-swapped reality.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Yasmin Liang.
- Published: January 2014.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#30: Parallel Lives, Part 2
- Notes: Second half of a two-part story, featuring an encounter with a gender-swapped reality.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Yasmin Liang.
- Published: February 2014.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#31: I, Enterprise, Part 1
- Notes: First half of a two-part origin story of Science Officer 0718.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Erfan Fajar.
- Published: March 2014.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#32: I, Enterprise, Part 2
- Notes: Second half of a two-part origin story of Science Officer 0718.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Erfan Fajar.
- Published: April 2014.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#33: Lost Apollo, Part 1
- Notes: First half of a two-part story featuring a long lost Earth astronaut.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Joe Corroney.
- Published: May 2014.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
- Notes: First half of a two-part story featuring a long lost Earth astronaut.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Joe Corroney.
- Published: June 2014.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
#35: The Q Gambit, Part 1
- Notes: First issue in The Q Gambit, a six-part DS9 crossover story featuring Q.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: July 2014.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
- Notes: Second issue in The Q Gambit, a six-part DS9 crossover story featuring Q.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: August 2014.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
- Notes: Third issue in The Q Gambit, a six-part DS9 crossover story featuring Q.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: September 2014.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
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#38: The Q Gambit, Part 4
- Notes: Fourth issue in The Q Gambit, a six-part DS9 crossover story featuring Q.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: October 2014.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
- Notes: Penultimate issue in The Q Gambit, a six-part DS9 crossover story featuring Q.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: November 2014.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:
- Notes: Final issue in The Q Gambit, a six-part DS9 crossover story featuring Q.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: December 2014.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
- Notes: First half of Behemoth, a two-part story featuring an encounter with a large spaceborne lifeform.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Cat Staggs.
- Published: January 2015.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
#42: Behemoth, Part 2
- Notes: Second half of Behemoth, a two-part story featuring an encounter with a large spaceborne lifeform. First issue released under the 5 Year Mission subtitle.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Cat Staggs.
- Published: February 2015.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
#43: Eurydice, Part 1
- Notes: First issue of Eurdice, a three-part story in which the Enterprise finds itself stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Released under the 5 Year Mission subtitle.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: March 2015.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
#44: Eurydice, Part 2
- Notes: Second issue of Eurdice, a three-part story in which the Enterprise finds itself stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Released under the 5 Year Mission subtitle.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: April 2015.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
- Notes: Final issue of Eurdice, a three-part story in which the Enterprise finds itself stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Released under the 5 Year Mission subtitle.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: May 2015.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
- Notes: Final half of The Tholian Webs, a two-part story featuring the Tholians. Released under the 5 Year Mission subtitle.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Rachael Stott.
- Published: June 2015.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
- Notes: Second half of The Tholian Webs, a two-part story featuring the Tholians. Released under the 5 Year Mission subtitle.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Rachael Stott.
- Published: July 2015.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
- Notes: First half of Deity, a two-part exploration story. Released under the 5 Year Mission subtitle.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: August 2015.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
- Notes: Second half of Deity, a two-part story. Released under the 5 Year Mission subtitle.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: September 2015.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
- Notes: First issue of a three-part mirror universe story. Released under the 5 Year Mission subtitle.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: October 2015.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, iTunes.
#51: Live Evil, Part 2
- Notes: Second issue of a three-part mirror universe story. Released under the 5 Year Mission subtitle.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: November 2015.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet, iTunes.
#52: Live Evil, Part 3
- Notes: Third issue of a three-part mirror universe story. Final issue released under the 5 Year Mission subtitle.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: December 2015.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet, iTunes.
#53: Reunion, Part 1
- Notes: First half of a two-issue story featuring the Orions.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: January 2016.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet, iTunes.
#54: Reunion, Part 2
- Notes: Second half of a two-issue story featuring the Orions.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: February 2016.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet, iTunes.
#55: Legacy of Spock, Part 1
- Notes: First issue in a four-part story featuring Spock-prime and New Vulcan.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: March 2016.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet, iTunes.
#56: Legacy of Spock, Part 2
- Notes: Second issue in a four-part story featuring Spock-prime and New Vulcan.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: April 2016.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet.
- Notes: Third issue in a four-part story featuring Spock-prime and New Vulcan.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: May 2016.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet, iTunes.
#58: Legacy of Spock, Part 4
- Notes: Final issue in a four-part story featuring Spock-prime and New Vulcan.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: June 2016.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet, iTunes.
- Notes: First half of a two-part TOS crossover story. Solicitations for the issue used the alternate title, Altered Encounters.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: July 2016.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet, iTunes.
- Notes: Final issue in the series, and second half of a two-part TOS crossover story. Solicitations for the issue used the alternate title, Altered Encounters.
- Writer: Mike Johnson. Artist: Tony Shasteen.
- Published: August 2016.
- Coverage: Preview pages.
- Purchase:, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet, iTunes.
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